I can see why this novel got such an outstanding reception. It broached the important issue of racial discrimination at a time long before it got common sense that Blacks are equals. It treated outsiders in an empathic manner. Be it the deaf main character, his mentally handicapped best buddy, a drunkard or a removed bar owner. It also provides a great depiction of the poor deep South of the US.
Nonetheless, I don’t think it’s a necessary read today. Especially not outside of the US when the historical or political relation is lacking. Times have changed so much that racial issues are still prevalent but are very different from the situation depicted here. Also, the social milieu has changed dramatically. In these concerns, the novel is dated nowadays. That leaves the characters and their interaction. Here, the young age of the author becomes obvious. They aren’t anywhere close to real people. McCullers created idealized silhouettes. The main protagonist John Singer is unanimously loved as a projection screen with others seeing in him what they want him to be. But it never becomes clear or believable why that is. The relations between the characters serve a purpose to progress the plot but they don’t feel very plausible. The development of the characters is limited and only present through Singer as a catalyst.
Don’t get me wrong. I still like this book. It’s heartwarming. But at the same time, it feels naive and has lost the important message that it carried at the time of its creation.