Westhafen Frankfurt

Der erste richtig warme Frühlingstag dieses Jahr. Zeit für Street-Fotografie. Ich bin zum Hauptbahnhof gefahren. Habe mich dann für eine Runde zum Westhafen, dem alten Druckwasserwerk und zurück zum Hauptbahnhof…

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Buch-Review: Middlesex von Jeffrey Eugenides

Reading Middlesex got me thinking about Auster's 4 3 2 1 which I read shortly before. Both books are similar in their conception. They are immigrant tales. Greek orthodox for…

Movie Review: Tod auf dem Nil

Classic whodunnit with the mandatory final confrontation of all suspects. Has the subtle pleasure of crossing off a checklist.

Movie Review: Fright Night

Yes, it really is Marcy Rhoades as femme fatale! Fright Night is a cheap B-movie but a good one. It sparkles with ideas and knows not to take itself too…

Movie Review: Bonnie und Clyde

Ahead of its time in its storytelling. Until the very end, I couldn't get used to the obvious omissions in the plot. You know why a scene such as Bonnie…

Movie Review: Crazy Heart

Calm country. First and foremost works through the music, then the moody landscapes and finally Jeff Bridges. I liked it even though I don't have any need for yet another…